Americo S. Ventura, Esq.

The son of Portuguese immigrants, Americo S. Ventura returned to his hometown of Danbury to begin practicing law in 1957. For the next 60 years, Ventura and his law firm, Ventura Law, have become a fixture in the city, built on the principle of providing compassionate service and giving back to the community as much as possible.

Capitalizing on the lack of Portuguese-speaking attorneys and goodwill from customers of his father Jack’s Ventura Market, Ventura grew his law practice into a thriving, diverse firm that has become one of the largest in Danbury, specializing in personal injury cases.

Ventura was honored by the Connecticut Bar Association for 50 years of service in the legal profession.

He was also honored by the Portuguese Bar Association of Connecticut, an organization he founded in 2008, for 60 years of service to the community.

Ventura is proud of his role in bringing diversity to the local bar and in his law firm’s commitment to reflect the clients it serves. Ventura’s founding partner, Dianne Andersen, was the first female lawyer in Danbury in 1957. Connecticut Court of Appeals Judge Thomas G. West, Ventura’s law partner from 1969–1981, was Danbury’s first black attorney. Today Ventura Law’s attorneys are from 11 different countries, with three-quarters of them speaking multiple languages.

Ventura speaks Spanish and Portuguese.